mercoledì 23 marzo 2011

a very frustrating thing

As I promised in my last post, I am going to tell you about 'sitting up'. Currently I am struggling to get to grips with this position. It's a very tricky business. Usually the girl-with-the-pony-tail lies me flat on my back and lets me play with my flying toys. She also puts me in this position when she has to change my nappy. Sometimes she grabs hold of my hands and pulls me up into what is called a 'sitting position'. It's really cool when this happens wecause I can see the world from a totally different angle. In fact everything changes while I shift from lying down to sitting. Sometimes I am actually put directly into this position, but I have things around me then, or big-guy holding me up.
At the moment I am trying to figure out how I can get into the sitting up position without them helping me. I have tried but without success. I push my head up, tense my neck, contract my stomach muscles, but nothing happens. I just lie there with my head slightly lifted and a strained expression on my face. Big-guy and  girl-with-the-pony-tail think this is very clever and praise me for it. But it's not enough for me. I just want to sit up! I'll let you guys know if and when I succeed...

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