mercoledì 16 marzo 2011

by the way

Today I spoke to my good friend Elijah, the one who I told you is writing another blog like this one. He told me I should explain why I am writing this blog at all. Apparently most of the people who read blogs have gone through similar experiences as we are going through now, so he said. Which made me worry that this blog would be boring for you all, since you've been there before. But then he added that most of you have also forgotten about it, and that you are astonished when you see people like me doing stuff that you used to do. It's all still quite unclear, but the conclusion I have come to is that I have to write this blog for two reasons. The first is that if you readers have forgotten about living the experiences I am living today, you should really be reminded of them, since they are quite spectacular and you might enjoy the feeling of knowing you were once like me. The second is that I am afraid I will be like you some day, and that I too will forget these fantastic days I am living. So I need to keep a record of everyhing that is happening, so that some day, if I do forget, I will have something to help me remember.

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