mercoledì 23 marzo 2011


Once again I have to interrupt the story from the beginning to tell you about a discovery I have made over the past week or so. About a month ago I discovered two amazing things I have at the top of my body. The girl-with-the-pony-tail calls them 'hands'. Fascinating, they are. With lots of 'fingers' on each one. I have studied them in detail. I can move them up and down and round and round. I can open and close the 'fingers' and I can use these 'hands' to hold things and grab things. Things like the girl-with-the-pony-tail's hair, the big-guy's very big 'fingers', the various colourful things that they shake in front of my face.
I was practicing grabbing stuff when the girl-with-the-pony-tail put me in a sitting up position (I'll tell you all about that too..), when I saw two things at the end of my body. I felt an urge to move about, and I saw the two things moving about too. Suddlenly I just had to lunge at them and grab them. Then I pushed myself back to see if they were able to escape, but no, they were still there. So again I lunged at them and grabbed them even harder. Suddenly I felt a tingle and realised that it was me that was making them move. It was a fun day when this happened, and I still like to practice grabbing these things, which by the way are called 'feet'. My good friend Elijah says they will be extremely useful to us one day, and that they will enable us to do something called 'walking ' and something else called 'running'. For the time being though I am enjoying the novelty of just knowing I have them and trying to grab hold of them when I'm in the right position to get hold of them.

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