sabato 26 marzo 2011

home 2

I should probably get back to the story now. Sorry guys, but I just got sidetracked telling you my latest news.
Anyway, I was saying how we travelled in a black box, in the vroom. Again, I fell asleep. I must tell you I used to do that often when they put me in the vroom and especially when it started rumbling. I just couldn't help myself. Now that they sit me in my seat though, I've started appreciating the view and managing to stay awake more. I still doze off from time to time, but if I concentrate on the things moving outside the vroom, or if the girl-with-the-pony-tail rattles something at me, I manage to stay awake and enjoy the ride. Anyway, then I was still in my falling asleep a lot faze, so I did. Next thing I knew, I was being transported in my little box by big-guy. We entered a place which was very warm and smelt nice. I was sure it wasn't the place with the unfashionable girls in green thanks to the smell. As I told you I could only see in black and white and very blurry too, so what helped me figure out I had never been in this particular place before was indeed the smell. A sweet familiar smell, like a mixture between the smell of big-guy and that of the girl-with-the-pony-tail. I later found out this was a place called home and it is where i spend most of my time. Big-guy and girl-with-the-pony-tail spend most of their time here too. Big-guy goes out of the door after they have that thing called 'coffee' after we all wake up and spend time on the big bed. But he always comes back.

venerdì 25 marzo 2011

roll over, roll over

Hi everyone. There has been a sudden improvement in the physical skill department (no sitting up yet I'm afraid). It happened while I was lying on my tummy, working on my experiments with the flying butterfly, the colourful bird, and the rattly ball. A few days ago I managed to lift my arms in the air and swing them at the butterfly and the colourful bird. The bird makes a lovely rattly sound which I like to hear over and over again. Next to the bird there is a rolling ball which also rattles. I have learnt to make it spin really fast. The more it spins, the more it rattles. It's wonderful. I have really been working on these discoveries and am enjoying the results thoroughly. However today something happened which put everything in a very different perspective. As I was lying there, lifting one arm and then the other as high as I could, and then bashing the bird, the butterfly and the ball, I suddenly felt myself falling and my whole body flopped over. All of a sudden, there I was lying on my back looking up. The girl-with-the-pony-tail looked amazed and then started clapping her hands and singing a song. 'Roll over, roll over' it went. Well she was very happy, but I was a bit annoyed, because I couldn't get back into the tummy position and get on with my research. After singing this sogn she seemed to understand what I was thinking and flopped me back over. I think I'll try it again tomorrow.

mercoledì 23 marzo 2011

a very frustrating thing

As I promised in my last post, I am going to tell you about 'sitting up'. Currently I am struggling to get to grips with this position. It's a very tricky business. Usually the girl-with-the-pony-tail lies me flat on my back and lets me play with my flying toys. She also puts me in this position when she has to change my nappy. Sometimes she grabs hold of my hands and pulls me up into what is called a 'sitting position'. It's really cool when this happens wecause I can see the world from a totally different angle. In fact everything changes while I shift from lying down to sitting. Sometimes I am actually put directly into this position, but I have things around me then, or big-guy holding me up.
At the moment I am trying to figure out how I can get into the sitting up position without them helping me. I have tried but without success. I push my head up, tense my neck, contract my stomach muscles, but nothing happens. I just lie there with my head slightly lifted and a strained expression on my face. Big-guy and  girl-with-the-pony-tail think this is very clever and praise me for it. But it's not enough for me. I just want to sit up! I'll let you guys know if and when I succeed...


Once again I have to interrupt the story from the beginning to tell you about a discovery I have made over the past week or so. About a month ago I discovered two amazing things I have at the top of my body. The girl-with-the-pony-tail calls them 'hands'. Fascinating, they are. With lots of 'fingers' on each one. I have studied them in detail. I can move them up and down and round and round. I can open and close the 'fingers' and I can use these 'hands' to hold things and grab things. Things like the girl-with-the-pony-tail's hair, the big-guy's very big 'fingers', the various colourful things that they shake in front of my face.
I was practicing grabbing stuff when the girl-with-the-pony-tail put me in a sitting up position (I'll tell you all about that too..), when I saw two things at the end of my body. I felt an urge to move about, and I saw the two things moving about too. Suddlenly I just had to lunge at them and grab them. Then I pushed myself back to see if they were able to escape, but no, they were still there. So again I lunged at them and grabbed them even harder. Suddenly I felt a tingle and realised that it was me that was making them move. It was a fun day when this happened, and I still like to practice grabbing these things, which by the way are called 'feet'. My good friend Elijah says they will be extremely useful to us one day, and that they will enable us to do something called 'walking ' and something else called 'running'. For the time being though I am enjoying the novelty of just knowing I have them and trying to grab hold of them when I'm in the right position to get hold of them.

lunedì 21 marzo 2011

father's day

Today I will take a break from telling you the story from the beginning and tell you about today.
Today the girl-with-the-pony-tail was very excited about something. She woke me up and took me straight to the place where her and big-guy sleep. Big-guy was still very sleepy, but when he saw me he smiled and took me into his arms (I really love it when that happens!). He sat me on his knees and started telling me stuff. I'm just learning to pick up on what he says. It was something about going out for coffee. They go on about this thing 'coffee'  a lot in the morning. It must be a bit like my milk (that's what they call the warm liquid I have a few times a day, the one I was telling you about the other day). I know about 'going out' too because the girl-with-the-pony-tail and I do that once a day. And I travel inside a seat which the girl pushes. I travel backwards and see the world outside our home.. Anyway, we were on the bed (that's what their cot is called) and big-guy was telling me stuff. Eventually we went out and they had their 'coffee'. I didn't fall asleep at all because I had slept at home, so I was able to enjoy the ride in my moving box. When we got home big guy gave me lots of cuddles and made me laugh a lot. He's really funny. I find myself giggling away at everything he does. Especially when he blows rasberries on my tummy or holds me up in the air. I must say, it was a great day!

venerdì 18 marzo 2011


One day the girl-with-the-pony-tail didn't stay on her box and kept moving around the room. She did lots of things but I stopped watching her and fell asleep. Then the big-guy arrived and he hugged the girl. I liked that a lot. She gave me some of the warm liquid and the big-guy prepared a different box for me. Then he put me in it very carefully. I got very excited because this was something completely new. He wheeled me out of the room, past the place with the unfashionable ladies in green and into a very small room. The girl-with-the-pony-tail followed us. We stayed still for a while then we went out of the small room and off we went again, somewhere bigger than I'd ever been before with lots of faces moving around. Then just as I was thinking this must be the biggest place ever, we went past two sliding transparent doors and we went out into the open. That's when I saw the sky for the first time. It was pale blue and everywhere. I loved looking at it and forgot to notice where we were going. We eventually stopped moving and the big-guy put my small box, with me in it, into a black thing (now I call it the vroom, because it makes that sort of sound when it moves. I used to lie in it, inside my box, but now I sit in it, and big-guy and girl-with-the-pony-tail sit in it too).


I spent quite a while in the transparent open top box, sleeping a lot, occasionally calling out to see what everyone's reaction would be. The girl-with-the-pony-tail stayed on her box a lot, and looked at me nearly all the time, except when she was sleeping. But she didn't do that as much as me, I think. I sometimes was wheeled away to go to a place full of open top transparent boxes with guys like me in them. The unfashionable ladies would prod us a little and occasionally give us a thing with a sticking out bit, similar to the one the girl-with-the-pony tail had, but not as soft. Warm liquid came out of that too, though and it was soothing, especially when I felt like crying out, and often it helped me sleep when I felt a bit nervous. The faces came and went. But I especially remember the big-guy coming back twice. The girl-with-the-pony tail was keeping an eye on me in my box, when he arrived and looked at me with his big eyes. He didn't cry though, unlike the first time. Instead the girl-with-the-pony-tail showed him how to hold me. She picked me up and put me in his arms. I felt safe there. Then I was wheeled away and the faces appeared again.

mercoledì 16 marzo 2011

On with the story

As I told you yesterday my adventures began that day I was sitting upside down and was squeezed out of the small dark space. A few months have gone by since then so I will have to fill you in with the many events that happened, so that I can start updating you day-by-day. 
After I fell asleep in the transparent box I was moved to a very comfortable other transparent box, with no top on it. It wasn't as warm as the other one, but it was still a nice place to sleep in. I was very tired and only felt like sleeping really, so it was a good place to be.
Suddenly I woke up in the open top box lying next to the girl-with-the-pony-tail. She was lying in a much bigger open top box. I had actually been wondering where she'd gone, and for some reason, I couldn't get her smell out of my head or my nose in fact. I could only just make out the girl becaeuse in those days I could only see in black-and-white and quite blurred too. But I knew it was her because of that familiar smell.

by the way

Today I spoke to my good friend Elijah, the one who I told you is writing another blog like this one. He told me I should explain why I am writing this blog at all. Apparently most of the people who read blogs have gone through similar experiences as we are going through now, so he said. Which made me worry that this blog would be boring for you all, since you've been there before. But then he added that most of you have also forgotten about it, and that you are astonished when you see people like me doing stuff that you used to do. It's all still quite unclear, but the conclusion I have come to is that I have to write this blog for two reasons. The first is that if you readers have forgotten about living the experiences I am living today, you should really be reminded of them, since they are quite spectacular and you might enjoy the feeling of knowing you were once like me. The second is that I am afraid I will be like you some day, and that I too will forget these fantastic days I am living. So I need to keep a record of everyhing that is happening, so that some day, if I do forget, I will have something to help me remember.

martedì 15 marzo 2011

how it all began

Dear everyone,
today I start a diary to record all the amazing and surprizing things that keep happening in my life.
I have been advised by a good friend of mine, Elijah, to keep a note of all the changes that I am experiencing. He is doing the same, on another blog. But I won't tell you which because I want you to read this one.
It all began one day when I was sitting upside down in a very tight dark space. I had spent 9 months of my life there, all of it in fact, and I thought it was getting too tight to bear, when suddenly I was pushed out, or should I say squeezed out. I ended up in a very big white room. With two ladies dressed in very unfashionable white and green clothes, staring at me, prodding me and talking loudly. Then I was wrapped up in a white cloth and given to a big guy who sat on a chair gazing into my eyes, his ones full of tears. Then I was placed on this person's stomach and encouraged to put my mouth round this sticking out soft thing. I later discovered I was to do that very often, several times a day. A warm liquid came out when I started to suck (I'm not sure why I started to suck, I just did). After that I stayed with this person for about an hour. I now call her the girl-with-the-pony-tail, so I'll call her that and you'll know who I mean. I lay next to her and kept sucking, I'm still not sure why, and fell asleep. Then I was taken away, by the unfashionable ladies, and the big guy, who I now call the big-guy, followed us. He stayed next to me while the ladies did various things to me, put pointy things in me that stung, covered me with water, and eventually put something warm on me. The big-guy kept looking at me with a few tears in his eyes. Somehow it was nice to know he was looking at me. After that he left. I was put in a transparent box, in a very warm box. And that's when the faces began to appear. Lots of them all staring at me. Some looked familiar, similar to the big-guy and to the girl-with-the-pony-tail. And then I fell asleep again....